Say what you will about righty ghoul Bob Novak, but it's hard to deny that his political assessments are an interesting read. His take on the second GOP debate is a good example. Some nuggets from his latest Evans-Novak Political Report:
* He describes "severe problems" affecting the campaign of ex-NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani: "His now unmistakable pro-choice position on abortion may be enough by itself to sink him, but many Republicans also object to his authoritarian style. While he still leads in the polls, a large portion of the remaining majority of Republican voters oppose him strongly."
* Regarding the ever-more irrelevant Sen. John McCain: "To his credit, McCain gave straightforward answers to his position on immigration and campaign-finance reform. The problem is that he gave answers the Republican base does not terribly want to hear."
* Ex-Mass. governor and victim of Sharptonian prejudice Mitt Romney: "[He] did not make any major gaffes ... but he certainly failed to shine."
Novaks adds re: cigar-sucking former Sen. Fred Thompson, absent from the debates as he is not yet "officially" a candidate: "[H]is performances so far have not been stellar."
Elsewhere in his latest newsletter, Novak talks of "poor Republican morale" in the Democratically-controlled Congress, that it "cannot be exaggerated." He adds, "Party loyalists there -- we refer not only to moderates but staunch conservatives as well -- have turned their backs on President George W. Bush and admit that they cannot wait for him and his administration to leave town."
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