05 June 2007

Fuckin' amusing FCC press release

Poor Kevin Martin, chair of the Federal Communications Commission, is having a shit fit over a recent federal appeals panel decision that "struck down the government policy that allows stations and networks to be fined if they broadcast shows containing obscene language."

Mr. Martin issued a press release, which I'll just quote directly from:
I completely disagree with the Court's ruling and am disappointed for American families. I find it hard to believe that the New York court would tell American families that "shit" and "fuck" are fine to say on broadcast television during the hours when children are most likely to be in the audience.

If ever there was an appropriate time for Commission action, this was it. If we can't restrict the use of the words "fuck" and "shit" during prime time, Hollywood will be able to say anything they want, whenever they want.

And we simply can't have that, since people are utterly unable to turn the stupid glowing box off themselves.

Then Martin adds, "The court even says the Commission is 'divorced from reality.'"  LOL.  "It is the New York court, not the Commission, that is divorced from reality in concluding that the word 'fuck' does not invoke a sexual connotation."

Do I really have to pull out this old page out of the webtome?  I mean, for fuck's sake, even the never-wrong Wikipedia has much to say about the usefulness of the F-word and its many non-literal variations:
As language progresses and the modern generation ages usage of words such as fuck will most likely become more acceptable due to more liberal approaches to speech. Due to this the methods in which the word can be employed change regularly to reflect creative uses of language.

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