20 May 2011

This is pretty much the worst video ever made

Gosh, I guess Napoleon Dynamite (from whose movie comes this post's title) won't be spending this summer with his uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines. He'll be on TV in a new animated series that features the original cast, a remarkable coup for the Fox network. Here's the trailer:

Hopefully the freakin' idiots and bodaggits at Fox won't ruin the characters. The show seems promising, but one of two things usually happens to new Fox comedies. As a YouTube commenter explains, "It'll either be cack, and will run for 4 seasons, or will be absolutely brilliant but will be cancelled after 6 episodes," sorta like what happened to Get a Life, Greg the Bunny, The Tick, The George Carlin Show and other short-lived Fox gems.

And just two days after the trailer was posted, the hilarious net nut known as Nice Peter released (coincidentally?) his latest Epic Rap Battle of History, featuring Napoleon Dynamite versus Napoleon Bonaparte. Enjoy...


nemuritor_de_foame said...

Says the darned thing is private

Guzman said...

Fixed, thanks.