12 September 2006

Bill Clinton gives props to group sex aficionados

Buried at the bottom of a Washington Post article from a couple days ago was an amusing tidbit from Bubba hisself, as quoted in the forthcoming New Yorker:

"They have the most incredibly developed social sense... They fall to the ground and have group sex.  It’s a way of relieving aggression!”

Visions of interns, blue dresses and cigars must be dancing in your head, but Big Bill is actually referring to bonobo monkeys.

He also remarked, “I don’t know if [Hillary] can win if she runs,” and then said of contemporay Republicans, “Nixon was a Communist compared to this crowd.”

Even though he’s been gone from the Oval Office for five years, he still makes for better soundbites than Ole Nook-Yoo-Lur.

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